Messages on the Barn Flying Geese by Sherry Shine (SOLD)


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SKU: 145069 Categories: ,


Messages on the Barn Flying Geese by Sherry Shine is an original, hand painted, machine stitched, appliqued, and embellished fine art quilt. Underground Railroad Flying Geese symbol was a signal to follow the direction of the flying geese as they migrated; north in the spring. Most slaves escaped during the spring; along the way, the flying geese could be used as a guide to find water, food and places to rest.

Price includes framing, S&H. Terms available. Call (502) 568-2005 to inquire. View more by Sherry Shine.

Approximate framed size: 45″w x 50″h
Item #: 145069

Additional information

Dimensions 45 × 50 in


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